
I have worked with Emilio and Rafael in the past for fibernet services. We wanted to switch our phones to them as soon as our prior contract expired. JDB电子团队在Covid-19爆发和关闭之前为我们提供了云电话服务. 感谢他们的专业知识和指导, 他们为我们建立了一个很棒的系统,让我们所有的员工都可以在家工作,不用使用手机,就可以在手机或PC上使用应用程序接听电话. 过渡是无缝的. 我们强烈推荐JDB电子满足任何电信需求.
朱利安有格的, 有格的 & 莫雷诺

埃米利奥和他的团队很棒! I have been working with them for quite some time and JDB电子 has never let us down. They are the perfect partner to help us source and manage our telecom needs. 我过去和很多公司合作过, but none of them provided the service that Emilio does. 他做事迅速、周密,能提供解决方案. 这就是我需要的搭档. # bestofthebest

Nancie杜, 我是Quest工作区的首席运营官
I have worked with the JDB电子 team for over 7 years now. They have been a valued asset and trusted advisor for me in the telephony space. Through the years they have expanded their service portfolio to meet my needs. JDB电子 will always be at the table when I am making my technology decision.
Leterron刘易斯, Director of Information Technology, Palm Medical Centers
拉斐尔和他的团队非常出色!! 他们真的会花时间确保一切顺利进行,让我们了解一切是如何运作的. 非常专业和诚实. 我们对他们的服务非常满意.
史蒂文·西尔弗伯格, Silverberg Brito, PLLC管理合伙人

电信转换从来都不容易,但是埃米利奥, 丹尼尔, 以及JDB电子的Rafael非常乐于助人,他们帮助我们找到并管理我们的电信需求. Their solution was turnkey- they handled the whole thing. From the sourcing and managing of the vendors to our on-going needs with billing, 支持, 和培训. 他们从不让我们走. 这家公司相信人际关系,我们公司也是如此. 他们现在是我们团队的一员.

Crescencio J. Ruiz首席, Outdoor Empire首席财务官 & 附属公司.
埃米利奥,拉斐尔和他们的团队太棒了! 真正的专业人士,知识渊博. 他们向我介绍了需要采取的步骤,并使这个过程无痛而无缝. 谢谢你!! 强烈推荐.
何塞•马丁内斯, Relentless LLC董事总经理
I am expanding my business and I need to admit that without Rafael and Emilo. 我做不到. Rafael is the most 专业 and courteous man I have ever meet. 他们在一个月内就把我的新办公室布置好并投入使用. Everything needed to be brand new and all the installation with new contracts . 也尽量把所有的东西都保持在最好的价格. 他们队是最好的, they explained everything to me step by step it was like if they became a part of my office too. 非常感谢.
塔蒂阿娜Chiroldes, 夕阳放射学
I began working with NQuery less than 1 year ago and the experience so far has been great. 我们是一家成长中的公司,需要专注的关注和个性化的解决方案,这可能是NQuery的核心竞争力. For anyone seeking the same attributes in a vendor, I would absolutely recommend this company. I’ve worked with Emilio and Rafael directly from NQuery, 从一开始,他们就很友好和专业,更不用说每当我们需要他们的帮助时,他们总是“超越”. 很高兴能找到这样的公司,不管客户关系的长短,他们都能保持高水平的服务.
莉莉安娜·罗德里格斯, 沃德律师事务所
埃米利奥和拉斐尔帮我们建立了商业互联网和VoIP电话系统,他们合作得很好. They responded quickly and made sure to get us up and running as smoothly as possible. 拉斐尔定期跟进,以确保我们没有问题,并对我们使用的服务保持满意.
旧金山莱昂, 阿然,科雷亚 & Guarch P.A.
作为商业技术顾问, I lean on them when my clients ask me about telecom services. They’re honest, patient, and have the client’s best interest at heart. 他们从不让人失望.
路加福音Kumanchik, 舍伍德张伯伦
JDB电子 Telecom挽救了我的生意. I need internet and phone service installed immediately. 他们完成了任务. 我再也不会用别人了.
山姆·莱文, 国家通信集团
Working with 埃米利奥·迪亚兹 from JDB电子 Technology Solutions was a very pleasant experience. 埃米利奥和他的团队知识渊博, 专业, 作为合作伙伴,这是一个巨大的资源. They provided us with excellent solutions for our telecommunication needs.
哈维尔一. 镇压, 格罗斯曼罗斯雅法科恩,P.A.
Emilio and the JDB电子 team are not only really good at what they do, 但他们是一家真正有爱心、有道德的公司. 他们可以找到最好的服务提供商解决方案,而无需向您收取宝贵的咨询费用. If you think that you might be spending too much money on phone and internet service, or if you’re just tired of being on hold and shuffled around by Comcast and AT&T,你需要给JDB电子一个调用.
黛安·莫拉, ZenChange管理咨询
Emilio和他在JDB电子的团队在帮助我们向更好的互联网服务提供商转变的过程中发挥了重要作用. 他们做了所有的跑腿工作,并提出了每个选项的利弊,同时作为联络人确保迁移是无缝的. We highly recommend Emilio and the team at JDB电子 for their 专业ism and knowledge.
狮子座冈萨雷斯, 夏普保险代理公司

“过去六年,我们一直是JDB电子的客户, and they have been a major factor in determining our needs from the start. 他们总是在我们的决策过程中指导我们, and their expertise has helped us acquire the right technology at the best price possible. Their excellent service and attention have been a key element as to why we are loyal to JDB电子.”

杰森·格里纳沃特, C-COM GROUP INC .技术总监

作为I的业务分析师.T. 我们的组织, one task that was always a challenge was renegotiating our telecom contracts every 3 years or so. 这并不是因为有许多提供商可供选择, 而是因为合同太过复杂,而且充满了陷阱,以不断下降的价格和服务来锁定客户.

也, new fiber lines are being dropped in new locations all the time, 但一些公司希望第一个订购服务的客户能分担他们的“扩建”成本. 通常, 当谈判续约合同时, your provider will try to sell you more services for your current billing expense, rather than match your current services with less expensive new options. 复杂的谈判, 合同陷阱和噱头, and new emerging technology options make the task of tackling renewal a daunting task. Achieving a setup that would make your organization’s telecom bill a concise, 高效可靠, accountable and efficient thus become somehow illusive.

这就是在电信行业工作了很长时间的专业人士派上用场的地方. 你看到有多少房子写着“业主出售”? 在你和你将要签署的复杂合同之间有一个联络人是一个好主意,这是有原因的, 并且注定要, 在未来的岁月里.

就像房地产经纪人一样(也许更好),像JDB电子 Solutions的埃米利奥·迪亚兹这样的代表就是为你的兴趣而工作,并带来多年专业知识的人, 行业人脉丰富, 和一个友好的, 以敬业和专业的态度处理你重新谈判电信合同的复杂任务. 像房地产经纪人一样, the service provider is the one that pays for his services, yet you end up receiving the peace of mind that your contract has the best possible setup. 让埃米利奥为你工作, 如果你对我的建议有疑问, 你可以要求直接联系我,让我作证.

乔Materno, Carisam Samuel-Meisel, Business Analyst, Mgmt Info System

“顶峰航空依靠JDB电子提供语音和数据通信解决方案,我们需要有效地运行我们的业务. JDB电子团队致力于提供卓越的客户服务,这对我们来说是非常宝贵的.”

豪尔赫·费尔南德斯, 共同所有人,顶峰航空航天

“We were introduced to JDB电子 while in need of a complete telecommunications solutions. We needed connections between all of our facilities that included internet access, MPLS和最重要的集成电话解决方案. Emilio建议我们迁移到托管VOIP解决方案,该解决方案将以无缝的方式为所有人提供全公司范围的平台. Understanding that with multiple locations and over 125 employees, we expected migration issues and even had planned back up options.

底线, 在Emilio和他的JDB电子团队的帮助下,我们获得了我所经历过的最顺畅的电信体验之一. 他不仅参与了最初的安装,而且从那时起,任何需要他帮助的问题或项目都可以提供帮助. 我会推荐JDB电子团队给任何正在寻找专业和训练有素的电信团队来协助所有电信相关项目的人.”

劳尔•米. Camaliche, 高级副总裁,首席运营官,东方国民银行

JDB电子 Solutions协助对银行的电信需求进行评估. Emilio和他的团队展示了他们对电信行业的深入专业知识,并能够提供一系列可行的替代方案. 评价过程结束后, JDB电子的售后支持堪称典范,因为他们在整个实施阶段都参与其中. I regard Emilio and JDB电子 Solutions as a trusted advisor.”

罗杰·索萨, Vice President, Senior Operations and IT Officer, International Finance Bank

“JDB电子的团队一直是一个很好的合作伙伴,也是我们客户的伟大倡导者. 他们在小型和大型电信和广域网部署方面与我们合作,他们的重点一直是高水平的客户服务和客户宣传.”

Jorge Azcuy, Director of Technical 服务, Compuquip Technologies, Inc.

“Recently the LBA offices were re-located and along with IDF, 我们的科技公司, JDB电子 assisted us from the planning phases to the execution of our move. 在那段时间里,他们的帮助非常宝贵,确保我们没有错过任何一个电话或一封电子邮件. The transfer of our telecommunications was efficient and seamless. It is great to work with a company that values our time and keeps us connected.”

Alyssa拉莫斯, 拉丁建筑商协会执行副总裁

JDB电子电信解决方案是帮助WLRN之友确定最适合我们办公室语音和数据需求的关键. JDB电子在电信/数据领域的成熟经验为WLRN之友提供了我们不知道存在的选择,并帮助我们在降低每月成本的同时保证了未来的设备投资. 我强烈推荐JDB电子 Solutions!”

查尔斯·D·迈克尔斯, BSEE IT行政总监WLRN之友有限公司.WLRN广播电视


谢天谢地,我们依靠Emilio和JDB电子 Solutions. After our initial meeting it was clear we were in the right hands. Emilio和他的项目经理理解工作的范围,但更重要的是我们的期望. 埃米利奥是一个真正的主题专家.

He was always straight forward and outlined in detail the pros and cons of each proposal. He put together creative presentations and interactive demos. 他提供了插图, reference materials and made sure our staff received all necessary training before going live.

埃米利奥的足智多谋, ability and expertise really made the difference in the successful implementation of our project. 我们非常感谢.”

大师H. 戴尔嘎多, 伯考·拉德尔和费尔南德斯,P.A.